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Worship and Music


The Worship and Music Ministry is primarily responsible for the content of the worship services. This includes assisting the pastor in any areas as requested. It is imperative that the Worship and Music Ministry establish an atmosphere that is conducive for personal worship.


The music, presentation of the services, and the impressions that worshipers get will dictate their willingness to return and worship at regular services. The Worship and Music Ministry also coordinates volunteers to be lectors, cantors, acolytes and worship assistants. Additionally, it helps with worship and communion planning and oversees contemporary worship.


Ways you can Plug in @ GSLC


Acolyte, Adult Choir, Altar Guild, Bell Choir,

Animal Blessings, Cantor, Children's Message, Chimes Choir,

Communion Assistant, Hanging of the Greens, Lay Preacher, Lenten Services, Leader, Audio / Visual, Praise Team, Scripture Lessons Reader and Usher/Greeter

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